Friday, December 28, 2007

Hello. My name is procrastination.

Well ho-lee shit!

Where did the last two days go??

I said on Tuesday that I would be back on Wednesday and here it is Friday and I am just getting back here. What the hell?

Well, at least I came back.


Since you're here, we might as well look at more Christmas pictures.

For some reason I don't have any pictures of the boy opening his presents. (Can you say Mommy guilt?)

It must be because I was helping him to open his and he was flying through them at warp speed!

I'll have to stage some at a later date. *wink*

Here's the rest of the gang opening their loot.

My mom broke her popcorn bowl about a month ago. Since then, I have heard the heart-breaking story of it's demise too many times to count. We got her a stainless steel one as a replacement. Hopefully, she can't break it.

The Man got the Bourne Ultimatum on DVD. He's seen it 4 times in the theatre already. He's watched it twice since opening it on Christmas. I think he has a crush on Matt Damon.

My dad came for Christmas. The last time I had both my parents around at Christmas was 7 or 8 years ago. It was really nice to be all together. He took a lot of naps. I think we played him out.

J got a gift that she LOVED. She thinks it's from us. It's not but we're not going to tell her that.

The girl got a Princess dress up set from Grandpa. She was so excited. She had to put on some jewelery immediately and get a little sass on. Isn't she adorable?
No. That's not bias, it's obvious. Ha ha!
She was so happy that she was dancing without even realizing it.

Here are the Man and the boy constructing his triceratops skeleton. Very small pieces and a totally movable, fully jointed skeleton in the hands of a four year old makes for many opportunities to re-construct the skeleton. Ha ha!

My dad and the kids during their first attempt at putting the marble maze together.

Half an hour later . . . racing marbles! Way cool toy!

This is a game that has a skeleton that pops out and steals the gold coins you accumulate. You can see by the look on the Man's face that the anticipation is just as much fun.
Oooooohhhhh, scary skeleton.

As you can see, we had a great Christmas, lot's of laughs, lot's of presents and (too much) good food. I should have asked Santa for some bigger pants.

I have been trying to have this video play here but I don't know how to do it, so click on the following links to watch one of my favorite comedians. Totally cracks me up. He was friggin' hilarious. (Mitch Hedburg - RIP)

There are three parts and some over lap, but it's worth it.

Laugh . . . and think of me.

Later, y'all.

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